Strong rebound in maize production brings down prices across Malawi

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Malawi

After two consecutive poor harvests, increased supply has lowered prices to pre-2015-flood levels, reducing the prevalence of negative coping strategies.

Key points:

  • Strong recovery of maize production translates into lower prices

  • Abundance of food stocks lowers negative coping levels

  • Purchasing power rises in the Southern and Central regions

  • New admissions for malnourished children fall

Situation Update

Results from the second round of agriculture production estimates by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development point to a strong rebound in maize production after two consecutive poor harvests. The preliminary forecast is of 3.2 million mt, which is equivalent to the national requirement. However, the third round estimates will provide a clearer picture as they will likely take into account the impact of the fall armyworm infestation.

The main harvest has been completed in the south and is gradually progressing towards the central and northern parts of the country. The harvest has lowered prices to levels seen before the floods in 2015. The government has not lifted the export ban on maize and related products, which is enforced by the non-issuance of export licenses unless there is evidence that crops have been grown commercially.

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