Japan provides additional funding to support conflict-affected population and recovery of Eastern Ukraine

Source: Government of Japan, Government of Ukraine, UN Country Team in Ukraine
Country: Japan, Ukraine

USD 2.8 million of assistance will be used to address humanitarian needs, support vulnerable groups and the recovery of eastern regions in Ukraine through UN-led projects.

Kyiv, Ukraine (17 May 2019) – In 2019, the Government of Japan, the Government of Ukraine and the United Nations system in Ukraine continue partnership in addressing humanitarian needs and support recovery in conflict-affected areas of eastern Ukraine. USD 2.8 million of assistance provided by the Government of Japan will be used to address humanitarian needs, support vulnerable groups of population and recovery of eastern regions in Ukraine through implementation of four projects by four UN agencies.

"I express my gratitude to the Government of Japan and the United Nations for the long-term assistance we have been enjoying over these years. - said Hennadiy Zubko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Regional Development, Building and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine. - Government of Japan has been providing a substantial support to Ukraine in restoration peace in Donbas region; especially assistance in sustaining integrity of Ukraine and renovation of infrastructure objects are very important for us. I would like to highlight that funds, provided to the Government of Ukraine are being directed to people, living in the East, and they are used by our international partners – United Nations agencies: UNHCR, UNDP, UNICEF. This is a strong partnership which ultimately contributes to efficiency of the projects being implemented. The Government of Japan is not only our economic, but also a strategic partner. We highly appreciate the next portion of assistance, amounting to $2.8 mln provided by the Government of Japan, and of course, I would like to thank our international partners – UN agencies for delivering these very important projects on the East of Ukraine”.

«Total amount of funding provided by Japan to Ukraine since independence is $3.1 billion dollars. Since 2014, after the Revolution of Dignity we have accelerated our assistance to Ukraine and it has amounted to in $1.87 billion in total, which is more than half of total amount of funds, provided since the independence. It includes modernization of the Bortnychi aeoration station, financial support to the Government of Ukraine, assistance in medical area. And one of the important areas of assistance we started in 2014 is for the people of Eastern Ukraine implemented in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. In cooperation with the UN and other international organizations we implemented assistance with total value of $47 mln. All the assistance that is been providing to Eastern Ukraine is for improving safety, security and welfare of the local people. Projects include rehabilitation of social infrastructure, renovation of hospitals, schools, communities. This year supporting funds were allocated for the same purpose totaling $2.82 mln. Last month I visited Donetsk and Luhansk regions with a members of UN organisations for the first time to see a situation with my own eyes. I visited houses which were ruined or damaged by the shelling and which were renovated, and I was happy to see how people are living there now, in a safe conditions”. - Takashi Kurai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine.

“Since 2015, with the financial support of Japan through UN-implemented programmes more than 30 socio-economic infrastructure facilities were reconstructed in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, including bridges, pump stations, healthcare facilities, rehabilitation centers and schools. Financial assistance was also used for strengthening entrepreneurial capacities and start-ups of business activities, community development, building resilience in educational sector and of affected population. Financial assistance provided in 2019 will be used for occupational trainings and business skills development for IDPs and local conflict-affected population; provision of seed grants for small scale business start-up and expansion; provision of Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises with business consulting services and technical assistance; shelter repairs for IDPs along the 'contact line'; protection monitoring and provision of individual protection assistance to IDPs and other conflict-affected population; capacity building of educational professionals and procurement of medical equipment to the Ministry of Defence hospital. The UN system is looking forward to continuous fruitful cooperation with the Government of Ukraine and Japan in promoting cohesion and sustainable development, economic recovery in conflict-affected territories of Ukraine - said Osnat Lubrani, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine.

Japan-funded projects will be implemented by four UN agencies, funds and programs: UNDP (USD 0.54 million), UNHCR (USD 0,84 million), UNICEF (USD 0.38 million), UNOPS (USD 1.09 million).

For more information, please contact:

Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing: [email protected]
Embassy of Japan: [email protected];
UN in Ukraine: Public Information Officer Olena Laba: [email protected]

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